Contact Us

Tapestry, a Unitarian Universalist Congregation
23676 Birtcher Drive
Lake Forest, CA 92630-1769


(949) 581-0245

Worship Services Location

See our Visitor Info page for detailed instructions for finding Tapestry in the parking lot.
(The parking lot winds around quite a bit but follow this approach to get straight there.)

Minister of Tapestry

Rev. Kent Doss
Congregation phone:
(949) 581-0245

Director of Children’s Religious Exploration

Music Director

Office Administrator

Email Us

    Board of Trustees

    To request an electronic copy of Tapestry’s Membership Directory with contact info, please email our office administrator at

    President Keith Tuominen
    Vice-President of Operations Amanda Standish Wainwright
    Vice-President of Finance Dave Weber
    Treasurer Suzi Cassidy (24)
    Secretary Elisabetta Panzica (24)
    Trustee at large Eddie Moler
    Trustee at large Richard Lapin
    Trustee at large Scott Westerfield (24)

    Committee Chairs

    To request an electronic copy of Tapestry’s Membership Directory with contact info, please email our office administrator at

    Committee/Activity Contact
    Aesthetics Linda Yeargin, chair
      Marsha Medina
      Jeff Gothard
    Audio/Visual Grayson Gothard
    Building and Grounds Richard Boote
      Laura Jackson
      Bill Medina
    Caring Amanda Wainwright
    Choir Irene Steyman
    Committee on Shared Ministry Lynn Cowan
      Tara Sayre
      Keith Wortman
      Christine Krueger
    Comprehensive Planning Committee Keith Tuominen
    Congregational Nurse Kathy Spahn
    Finance Molly Stelovich
    Friends of OC Detainees Peggy Thompson
    Generosity Sunday Nikki Renderer
      Barbara Daly
    Green Sanctuary Carol Semelroth
      Bev Huff
    Greeters Carol Semelroth
    Handcrafters Group Penny Kinnear
    Heart of Spirituality Judith Westerfield
    Hospitality Judy Tracy
    Ladies Brunch Carol Semelroth
    LGBTQ+ Action Group John Mendonca
      Bruce Johnson
    New Beginnings Scott Westerfield
    Newsletter Editor Connie Pursell
    Nominating Christine Krueger
    Non-Fiction / History Book Club
    Race Matters Angela Jansen
      Dave Weber
    Religious Education for Children & Youth Jennifer Guy
    Saddleback Classes  
    Standing Up For Racial Justice Angela Jansen
    Stewardship Dave Weber
    Ushers Keith Wortman
    Ways and Means Kathy Spahn
      Sue Dearing
    Website Dave Salahi
    Welcoming/Membership Penny Kinnear
    Welcoming Neighbors Home Rona Henry
    Women’s Issues Book Group Carol Semelroth
    Women’s Rights Action Group Karen Nichols
    Worship Sheryl Hagen