2023 Sermons
"Wishes for 2024"
On the eve of a new year, Tapestry members speak about their wishes for the coming year. We hear a vision of hope from multiple perspectives as we prepare to ring in 2024.
Tapestry Members
December 31, 2023 -
"A Hope for Peace?"
In our annual Candlelight Christmas-Eve service, we recall a story of hope in a time of violence and despair. In this darkest time of year with so much on the line, we choose to share the light of hope.
Rev. Kent Doss
December 24, 2023 -
"The Night Shift"
As the seasons turn us toward the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, what is shifting in you and in the world we share? Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur explores what this darkness might hold for each of us, and for our life together as Unitarian Universalists.
Rev. Rebecca Renefiel Bijur
December 17, 2023 -
"Pass the Mic"
We know that a variety of ideas helps us seek the truth in love. Sometimes the voices that have the clearest understanding belong to people who have been most marginalized. As we dig into our value of pluralism this Sunday, we consider some of the limits of diversity of opinion, and some of the ways our own assumptions might be getting in the way.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
December 3, 2023
"Lessons from Winter Holidays"
With all of their blessings, challenges, and lessons the holidays are upon us. Sharing personal stories, three Tapestry members will reflect on life lessons they have learned from winter holidays of years gone by.
Tapestry Members
November 26, 2023 -
"Soil, Seed and Sun"
This Sunday we celebrate the web that creates and sustains life on our planet. Recognizing our fundamental interdependence is an invitation to broaden our sometimes narrow human perspective. Also, this Sunday we will hold a child dedication ritual for Lila Guy and her family.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
November 5, 2023
"Making Love"
Ursula Le Guin writes, “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” This Sunday we consider old and new ways to make more love in the world.
Rev. Kent Doss
October 29, 2023 -
"Non-binary in Our Own Words"
Archer Gothard and Cole Ellsworth, two Tapestry young adults, share what being gender non-binary means to them, and Liz Bear speaks from a parent and ally perspective. This service we be presented by the LGBTQ+ Action Group, and features several members of the committee.
LGBTQ+ Action Group
October 22, 2023 -
"The Center of Our Faith"
As we acknowledge Indigenous People’s Day, we ask what it means to place Love at the center of our Unitarian Universalist faith. This sermon will deal in part with the proposed revision to our 7 Principles and 6 Sources.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
October 8, 2023 -
"Listening with the Heart"
Some animals understand a few words, mostly people and pets are left to intuit each other's needs. This Sunday is Tapestry’s annual blessing of pets, and we explore the power of listening deeply. Well-socialized pets are welcome to participate in person. If your pet is not suited for a large gathering, please send a picture so that they can be included in the service.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
October 1, 2023
"Peeling the Orange"
Orange County writer and social critic Gustavo Arellano speaks about his contributions to the recent book, “A People’s History of Orange County.” It is an alternative travel guide that tells the lesser known stories of oppression and resistance, painting our region as a diverse, contested and historically significant space.
Gustavo Arellano
September 24, 2023 -
"Unitarian Universalism in Symbols"
This Sunday we explore the images and symbols that are meaningful to Unitarian Universalism and to Tapestry in particular. This service is especially designed to welcome newcomers and friends.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
September 17, 2023 -
"'Seeing Clearly' & Water Communion"
This Sunday we celebrate the variety of perspectives and experiences brought together in our one community. None of us has perfect vision. Together, through sharing what we have found, we can begin to understand our world.
Water Communion is a beloved annual UU ritual that celebrates our joining together as a community. If you have collected water from your adventures over the past year, please bring it to contribute. Water will be provided for others so that everyone who chooses can participate.Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
September 10, 2023 -
"The Beauty of Becoming"
As we begin our month’s focus on beauty, this Sunday we look beyond perfection to recognize the beauty that in growth and evolution.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
September 3, 2023
"What Does Alabama Mean? Bearing Witness to Racism in the United States"
Unitarian Universalism calls us to move beyond casual tourism, to witnessing and owning history in our bones. Interfaith Chaplain, Rev. Celia Young will share insights gained from her recent pilgrimage to Alabama.
Rev. Celia Young
July 30, 2023 -
"Spiritual Report Cards"
How many of live our lives as if there will be a report card at the end of the term? What would constitute an "A" in your book, spiritually speaking? And does it matter? Oncology chaplain and popular guest speaker, Michael Eselun explores these questions.
Michael Eselun
July 23, 2023 -
"What’s Your Type?"
The enneagram is a system of nine interconnected personality types. The origins of the enneagram are disputed, but the system is used today in business, psychological, and spiritual development. This Sunday we will have quick overview of the enneagram and get a closer look at three of the types, the challenger (8), the peacemaker (9), and the reformer (1).
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
July 16, 2023 -
"A World of Play"
Play is not just for children. It is an important behavior shared by a wide range of species. This Sunday we look at the playground of our world and why joining the fun is the smart thing to do.
Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
July 2, 2023