Sunday Morning Religous Education Schedule
Pre-Kindergarten to High School
Children and youth begin most Sundays in the Worship Service at 10:30 am. After the intergenerational portion of the regular Service, children/youth leave to go to their classes with their teachers (about 10:45). Classes end at approximately 11:45.
Please do not interrupt classes/programs until they are dismissed!!
Children are invited to remain in the service for the entirety of Intergenerational Services.
Nursery-aged children (birth – 3 years) may go directly to the nursery at 10:15 am or join in the intergenerational worship time. Please sign your child in and out of the nursery.
“All people love something, just as they all have a faith they live by… The gods we worship write their names on our faces, be sure of that.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
[language adapted to be inclusive]