Welcoming Neighbors Home
In Tapestry’s Welcoming Neighbors Home Initiative, we work to serve, and to advocate for, people experiencing homelessness. A group of nearly 40 volunteers are working on this effort. We provide dinner one night a week at the Friendship Shelter Alternative Sleeping Location in Laguna Beach, run food drives and kit-making drives. And we are advocating for more affordable housing – and specifically for 125 permanent supportive housing units in Lake Forest by 2025, and for 700 such units in South Orange County by 2035.

A note about terminology:
Affordable housing is for low income people who can afford to pay some, but not all of the rent payment, with the balance being subsidized. Typically affordable housing is when 30% or less of the renters income is needed for rent.
Supportive housing is affordable housing for people who need more assistance, and includes wrap-around services tailored to their particular needs — such as, case management, medication management, job searching help, financial management.

At Tapestry’s Welcoming Neighbors Home (WNH) Initiative Kick-off Meeting in February 2020, from left to right, Bruce Johnson (who organizes Tapestry’s monthly dinner at Friendship Shelter with the WHN Leadership Team: Rev Kent Doss, Rona Henry, Ryan Lenney, Julia Rampone, Beverly Huff (missing: Rev Rayna Hamre)
Ways You Can Help—Direct Service
Help Serve Meals at the Friendship Shelter
On the last Thursday night of each month, a group of Tapestry volunteers prepares and serves dishes for dinner at the Friendship Shelter Alternative Sleeping Location in Laguna Beach. (See attached directions for volunteers.
Note: these directions will be applicable once physical distancing requirements have ended due to COVID-19. In the meantime, volunteers drop off food in a central location and then it’s transported by a volunteer to the shelter where staff will serve the food.)
If you are interested in helping to prepare and/or serve meals, please contact Bruce Johnson using the form below.
Guidelines for Serving Dinners
Map & Directions to Laguna Beach Location

Ryan Lenny, Beverly Huff, Rona Henry & Bruce Johnson serve dinner at the Friendship Shelter in Laguna Beach in February, 2020.
Help Make Care & Meal Kits for People without Homes
Tapestry’s very own Welcoming Neighbors Home has kicked off a homelessness care kit drive to provide much needed essentials to those in need in our community. Kits will contain non-perishable foods, hygiene materials, masks, gloves, and other items. A full list of items can be found at this page on Amazon. For instructions on how to make a kit, and more information about how you can contribute, email Ryan Lenney at ryan.lenney77@gmail.com

Friendship Shelter – Alternative Sleeping Location, on Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach, where up to 40 people per night sleep, get dinner and have a chance to shower and do laundry.
Ways You Can Help—Advocacy
We need a cadre of Tapestry members who will work in concert to both monitor when the cities are taking action on housing development, and then show up to advocate for affordable and supportive housing.
Become a City Monitor
Bev Huff is providing training to a group of “City Monitors” to show them how to review the housing elements of local cities’ general plans, as well as their planning commission and city council meeting agenda.
The idea is that the City Monitors will then alert our activists and advocates who will write letters and show up at key meetings to express strong support of more affordable and supportive housing units. Bev affectionately calls this group the “Canaries” – because these volunteers will let us know as soon as possible if an important housing development is being considered.
If you are interested in becoming a “City Monitor/Canary,” please contact Bev Huff using the form below.
Become a Housing Champion
We are also looking for people to write letters to elected officials and to speak at city council meetings and Orange County Board of Supervisor meetings in support of affordable and supportive housing, as well as people to cheer on our speakers.
- We will provide training in how to make a reasoned argument, as well as how show up to demonstrate your support.
- Woven through this activism project will be training in non-violence and spiritual grounding.
- If you are interested in learning from Rev Kent and Rona Henry about how to be an activist or advocate, please contact Rona Henry using the form below
How Would You Like to Help?
Choose how you would like to help and sign up using the form below.
For More Information about Homelessness, see links below.
Orange County-Focused
2019 Point-in-Time Count – January 2019 census of Orange County residents without homes
UC Irvine Orange County Cost Study on Homelessness
United Way’s United to End Homelessness Campaign
United Way classes about homelessness
Housing is a Human Right OC – Advocacy group working in Orange County on homelessness issues
State & National Resources
Caring Works - economic impact of homelessness on the community
National Alliance to End Homelessness - California statistics
Public Policy Institute of California - California statistics
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty - causes of homelessness
Forbes Magazine - why homelessness is getting worse in California
Huffpost - advocating for the homeless
National Coalition for the Homeless - how you can help
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - improving homeless access to services