2024 Sermons

  • "The Platinum Rule"

    We all have heard that it is best to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This Sunday we take on the challenge of doing for others what they have said they want for themselves. Setting aside our own preferences to listen deeply to others can be surprisingly difficult in our eagerness to help.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    June 30, 2024

  • "A Father's Pride"

    Father’s Day Sunday is hosted by Tapestry’s LGBTQ+ action group. Three fathers of transgender and non-binary children will speak about being parents to their exceptional children.

    LGBTQ+ Action Group
    June 16, 2024

  • "Servant Leaders"

    Tapestry’s vision statement calls us to be a dynamic leader in Orange County and beyond. This Sunday we explore the role of humility and courage in leadership and in building a healthy, vibrant congregation.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    June 9, 2024

  • "Following the Money"

    Beyond warm feelings and nice words, equity is a financial measure. This Sunday we look at some of the historical and contemporary efforts at building equity. Our Unitarian attempts at building Utopian societies might surprise you.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    May 12, 2024

  • "Equity, What Does It Really Mean?"

    We use the word “equity” all the time in UU circles without clear agreement on what it means. This Sunday we dive into the meaning of “equity” to get on the same page about one of our central values.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    May 5, 2024

  • "Bodhisattva Earth Mother"

    Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh says “Mother Earth is the most beautiful Bodhisattva.” In recognition of Earth Day we will apply some of the Buddhist teaching of interdependence to our love of the Earth.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    April 21, 2024

  • "A Generosity of Spirit"

    In a world of soundbites and gotchas, being more generous with one another takes practice. This Sunday we commit to being more generous of spirit, assuming that others are trying their best and coming with good intentions.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    April 14, 2024

  • "A Tapestry of Generosity"

    It is said that a person cannot survive on bread alone; a congregation needs more than money to thrive. This Sunday we celebrate the conclusion of Tapestry’s annual stewardship campaign, and the many different ways we support our vital faith community.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    April 7, 2024

  • "Alchemy of Life"

    With a little magic, in nature and in our own hearts the simplest elements can be transformed into gold. This Easter Sunday we celebrate the ritual of Flower Communion. Please bring a flower from your home or nearby to contribute. You will receive a flower to take home with you after the service.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    March 31, 2024

  • "The Upside of Apocalypse"

    COVID-19, war, violence, poverty, climate change, attack on democracy, and deterioration of institutions continue to threaten our sense of well-being. And as modern people, we seem to have lost our connection to ourselves and others. When things are falling apart and the world becomes more broken, this is when real change can happen.

    Rev. Celia Young
    March 24, 2024

  • "Slow Growth"

    Slow and steady doesn’t just win the race, it is the pathway to lasting change. This Sunday we embrace the slow journey of creating change.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    March 17, 2024

  • "Face the Music and Dance"

    Popular guest speaker, and UCLA oncology chaplain, Michael Eselun explores the dance we do between acceptance and self-compassion. If we reach for acceptance of our circumstances as a pathway to inner peace, what part does self-compassion play?

    Michael Eselun
    March 10, 2024

  • "Embodied Awakening"

    Some religious traditions promise transcendence of the ordinary, or even our own bodies. Mystical experiences are powerful, but sometimes the transformation we need most is becoming okay with things just the way they are.?

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    March 3, 2024

  • "Kaleidoscope of Hope"

    Whether it is afterlife, healing, inner peace or personal wealth, religious depictions of hope are varied. This Sunday we will look at some of the visions of hope offered by neighboring faiths.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    February 25, 2024

  • "It's All About Love"

    The 7 Principles and 6 Sources of our UU faith comes from Article II of the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Associate. This Sunday we explore the proposed changes and answer: What is the role of Article II within our tradition? Who is trying to change it, and Why?

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    February 18, 2024

  • "Our Hope"

    Every religious tradition offers some vision of hope. This Sunday we focus in on what a particularly Unitarian Universalist hope looks like, and how to cultivate it.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    February 4, 2024

  • "Unlearning Our Legacy"

    To be human is to inherit systems of oppression. This Sunday, members of Tapestry’s Racial Justice Task Force speak about the work of unlearning some of our internal racial biases and working for a more just world.

    Racial Justice Task Force
    January 28, 2024

  • "Measuring Justice"

    Statistics can be boring and easily manipulated if we aren’t careful. But, each Sunday we commit to seeking the truth in love. To be a justice making community, we must be willing to look at real data to understand the bigger picture. This Sunday consider what data points show us about justice from the global to the personal scale.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    January 21, 2024

  • "Just Us"

    In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, this Sunday we learn about some of the amazing people who inspired and supported his work. Bayard Rustin, Jo Ann Robinson, Howard Thurman and other visionaries remind us that building the world we dream about takes a team.

    Rev. Dr. Kent Doss
    January 7, 2024