Sunday Morning Religious Education Program
Our Sunday morning Religious Education program seeks to facilitate the exploration of how each of us can be a better person through learning, deepening our spiritual selves, and by reaching out to make in difference in our community. All classes (except the nursery) are staffed with volunteer teaching teams on a rotating basis.
All grades from Pre-Kindergarten through High School participate in our multi-age religious education experiences:
- Social Action, which provides our children and youth ongoing opportunities to put their UU values into action though service to our congregation, our community, and our world and
- Spiritual Practice Sundays, which allow children and youth the opportunity to experience various spiritual practices.
Other Sundays will be spent attending/participating in various Intergenerational Worship Services throughout the year, for example:
- Dia de los Muertos
- All-Tapestry Holiday Services
- Christmas Eve Services
- Religious Education Sunday
These special services are offered during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Nursery, Room 5 (Infants up to three years)
Tender, consistent and loving care is provided by our paid caregivers. We ask that you let us know about any special needs and promptly pick up your child after the service. If your child is unhappy being separated from you, it may be necessary to remain with your child or sit in the service where we can find you. Parents may be asked to assist with childcare if more children are in attendance than expected.
Caregivers: Clara Chen & Lauren Wainwright
Hints for Parents
- Choose a seat in church which allows a good view for your child. If you think you may need to leave, sit in a location where you can move in and out easily.
- Young people often wish to sit with friends. Try to sit nearby or in a location where they can find you if necessary.
- If your child’s activity becomes disruptive to those around you, or your child needs to get up and walk around, leave quietly until they are ready to return.
- Review the Order of Service and help young people understand what will be happening. Feel free to whisper instructions or answer questions to help children learn worship etiquette.
- If you have a nursing infant or toddler, they are equally welcome in our service.
For our Whole Congregation
- Recognize that young people are an important part of our church community and that they learn from your example, as we can learn from their enthusiasm and spontaneity.
- Greet young people as well as adults. Be as intentional about calling our younger members by their names as you are about adults’ names.
- When children share, respond to them as participants in worship—not as performers.
- Be understanding and helpful if possible when children and parents need to move around.
- Remember that the time we spend together in worship as a community is a special opportunity to learn and grow together!